The death of George Floyd must be the start of something better.

Sometimes, the life of one human being can change history.

The horrific death of George Floyd, suffocated when Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for eight minutes and forty six seconds, has provoked an outpouring of revulsion and rage.

Black lives had been taken by police officers before. But this time is different. Floyd’s last words – ‘I can’t breathe’ have echoed around the world, sparking massive demonstrations on every continent. The debate has now widened beyond police violence to include the many other ways in which racism can harm, limit, or disadvantage its victims.

Dark Grey Europe - George Floyd

It would be easy to declare that we support #BlackLivesMatter – which we do. Easy to issue a corporate statement saying we deplore all forms of discrimination, whether of colour, religion or gender. Which we do.

But we need to ask whether as an organisation we’re doing enough.

Listening, being more aware of what is happening in wider society and teaching the next generation the importance of respect won’t instantly change the world. But it’s a start.

The life of one human being can change history. But it’s down to all of us to make the change happen.

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